Perkins Wimborne: marine engines for the world

Perkins has produced marine engines at Wimborne in Dorset, UK, since 1991, and following an extensive upgrade, the facility is now our global centre for the Perkins range of marine engines.

The facility is located on the outskirts of Wimborne on the Ferndown and Uddens Business Improvement District. Positioned centrally along the south coast, it is located close to national and international transport links. The tradition of high-quality engineering and marine industries in the region provides a pool of skilled staff and a network of highly specialised suppliers.

Perkins boasts a wealth of hugely experienced designers, engineers and technicians used to providing solutions for commercial, professional, and military customers. From the design, testing and building, each engine is proven before leaving the premises to ensure the best performance for the end user.

Perkins marine engines are supported globally via a distribution network and offer marine parts and service support to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and end users. 

Download a pdf of the 'Perkins in Wimborne' facility fact sheet


Perkins Wimborne facility


Tailor-made marine engines

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The right kind of support

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