Comprised of design engineers, technicians and engine installation experts, Perkins CMET works in close collaboration with global original equipment manufacturers’ (OEMs) engineers to streamline the process of engineering our engine into your machine and optimising its performance to meet your customers’ needs.
Through our experience we can help OEMs close any engineering gaps and work with customers to address current challenges—in an end to end fully managed engineering system.
If you're ready to receive trusted advice from a Perkins expert, speak to our team today.
Connect with usRead how Perkins has given its 904 Series a power boost; how an electric wheel loader is being put through its paces, features on our recent rental collaborations, the emerging agri-tech trends for the year ahead, simplified 2000 Series overhaul kits and our marine offering.
Read moreYour regional Perkins Distributor can provide local, on-the-ground engine support.
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